BFM24B - the firing module on 24 firing users. Control of the module and start-up of pyroelements only via the BFD24 device from the Master BFC or from PyroPlayer BFP on RS485 network or a radio channel. Power supply (24V) and control signal of RS485 network come to the module from the control device BFD24. Universal AC4 cable is for this purpose applied. The module is installed in close proximity to fireworks.

BFM24B - the module on 24 firing cues for run pyromusical fireworks only via the BFD24 device from the Master BFC or from PyroPlayer BFP on RS485 network or a radio channel.
It is based on the Principle of the "BROCART" firing system
connection to the module 24 igniters grouped in 4 address A1, A2, A3, A4 groups - on 6 cues in everyone;
use of two operation modes of the panel: - a checking regime of the connected pyro-elements - "Test"; - ready mode and start-up of a pyro-element - "Fire".
control of availability of igniter and operability of the line:
- via the computer interface;
- or to LED indicators on the case of the module.
toggle-switch of turning on of the module;
the switch in the "Test" and "Fire" modes;
terminals for connection of the 2-wire network cable NC2 (RS485) or a radio modem BFW;
48 terminals for connection of igniters, on 12 terminals in 4 groups;
LED indicators of control of the connected igniters;
the connector for the special test monitoring device of the connected igniters;
two GX16-4pin of the connector for connection of universal AC4 cable;
the connector for connection of the external battery of a power supply, for a case of autonomous use of the module;
dimensions: 300х200х170
weight - 10кг
Use of the firing module is based on the Principle of the "BROCART" firing system - grouping of firing cues in 4 address groups on 6 cues in everyone. This basic system (see the scheme below) can control 24 firing cues.

To expand a system to control of more than 24 firing cues or to expand a panorama of your fireworks, add executive modules, having connected them among themselves universal AC4 cable. In one network no more than 30 modules can be used. Total length of network (from the master to the last module) - 1.2 km

*Connection devices to pyroelements are not shown for simplification

In this example the system will control 144 cues (24 cues on module x of 6 modules = the 144th cues).
In one network no more than 30 modules can be used. The recommended total length of AC4 cables from BFD24 to the last BFM24B module should be no more than 300 m. Total length of network from the master to the last module - 1.2 km